THE KUBOTA UK TEAM showed off the company’s latest products at a recent special event.
Media spanning sports turf, landscaping, amenity and equine were recently given a rare insight into the ‘behind the scenes’ workings of one of the most recognisable brands in groundcare, as Kubota UK opened their doors for a special event. The overarching theme of the two days was Kubota’s ongoing investment into the industry with updates on recent acquisitions and new initiatives in the areas of warranty and recruitment.
Kubota has been a leading manufacturer of agricultural equipment, construction equipment, lawn mowers and industrial engines since 1890. With its global headquarters in Osaka, Japan, offices in more than 120 countries and more than 41,000 employees in North America, Europe and Asia, Kubota had a turnover of $20 billion in 2021.
Although agricultural, construction and turf equipment are its main product lines, Kubota also produces a wide range of products such as city water purification systems, irrigation systems, piping systems, roof and home construction, and large underground valves.
Commenting on the event, Kubota UK Marketing Manager Rob Edwards said: “We, like all manufacturers, are aware of the issues facing the industry and that doesn’t just stop at having the right products to fit today’s market. “It was brilliant to be able to demonstrate to the press the programmes we’re delivering to support our dealers and our customers and show how proud we are to be re-investing in the needs of the next generation.”
The presentations concluded with a ‘ride and drive’ experience where Press representatives had the opportunity to test-drive a number of machines from across the range, including the recently-launched FC3 and FC4 mowers, and the LXe – Kubota’s first electric compact tractor, in the UK currently for extensive testing.