KELLING HEATH has designated 10 premium pitches exclusively for astronomers. Pic Andy Green

Renowned as one of the best places in England to discover the dark skies, Norfolk’s Kelling Heath Holiday Park, welcomes astronomers for its Winterfest from Thursday to Monday, November 24th – 28th. Accredited as a ‘Dark Sky Discovery Site’ in 2017, Kelling Heath boasts the highest ‘two star’ site accolade as seven stars of the Orion constellation and the Milky Way are visible to the naked eye from the Park.

Kelling Heath is one of only five Dark Sky Discovery sites in Norfolk. For 2022, 10 premium pitches within the Yellow Dragonfly touring field have been designated as exclusively for astronomers*. These dedicated pitches are perfect for stargazers as they are hidden in a secluded and sheltered part of the Park.

Lucy Cook, Marketing Manager at Kelling Heath says: “We are pleased to welcome more astronomers throughout the year and look forward to building our offering to support stargazing in Norfolk. “We look forward to welcoming stargazers for many years to come.” The British Astronomical Association’s Commission for Dark Skies commended Kelling Heath for its commitment to educating guests and its work in protecting the areas dark skies, leading them to receive a Good Lighting Award in 2019.

The Park provides stargazing information for guests and Holiday Homeowners including leaflets, a dedicated website section and new interpretation boards at its Dark Sky Discovery Site area on Park. Michael Timewell, Director of Blue Sky Leisure, who owns Kelling Heath Holiday Park, said: “Kelling Heath gives many guests their first true dark skies experience. The excitement and wonder you see on the faces of those experiencing the majesty of the night sky at our star parties is something that will never get old.”

“We pride ourselves conserving the natural environment at Kelling Heath, and part of that is achieved by helping our guests make the most of the natural landscape around them in a responsible way – this includes how they interact with the dark skies on Park. Our Countryside Team continue to provide guests with educational talks and dedicated events to help them immerse themselves in the Park’s stunning natural surroundings.”