Impact Of Scottish Parks Revealed

The Scottish Caravan and Camping Forum (SCCF) undertook an assessment of the economic impact of the holiday park sector in Scotland.
Holiday parks in Scotland are worth an estimated £700 million to the Scottish economy, according to new figures from the Scottish Caravan and Camping Forum (SCCF).
For the first time ever, the SCCF has successfully gained an accurate picture of the economic value of the holiday park industry in Scotland, following a major survey across the country.
The research has identified the significant contribution which holiday parks make to the Scottish economy, as a result of visitors’ spend and expenditure by park owners in operating their parks. Results of the survey also reveal that over 5,680 full-time jobs are created by the holiday park sector alone.
David Key, a representative of the National Caravan Council and chair of the SCCF commented: “The Committee is delighted with the results, because we have, for the first time, established the value of this sector to the economy. £700 million is a significant contribution, as are the 5,688 FTE jobs.
“Caravan parks are important to the rural economy because of the jobs they provide and the money spent by their visitors. This report enables the SCCF and the sector as a whole to present robust data to the Scottish Government, to local authorities and to tourism organisations.”
The findings confirm that the holiday park sector attracts a large number of non-Scottish tourists, with 57 per cent of all holidaymakers to Scottish parks visiting from outside of the country. Visitors tend to take a holiday or short break on a holiday park several times over the course of a year, with renters and tourers taking, on average, 4.1 holidays per year, and owner-occupiers taking, on average, 9.1 trips per year.
Forty-five caravan park operators took part in the survey - some of whom operate more than one park - who, together, provided information on 89 parks. An online survey was undertaken of 7,034 people who had taken a holiday on a holiday park in Scotland in either 2013 or 2014.