Last minute online enquiries for peak season were up by 15 per cent at Woolacombe Bay, compared to the same time last year.
High Demand for Last Minute Breaks
Woolacombe Bay Holiday Parks in Devon reported a bumper start to the 2015 summer season, with last minute online bookings up by 15 per cent on the same period last year.
Although 93 per cent of the park’s accommodation for the first three weeks of the school summer holidays was booked up well in advance, demand was high for the remaining spaces available for last minute bookings.
Kevin Darvill, sales and marketing director at Woolacombe Bay said: “Clearly the travel disruption at the ports in Dover and Calais, coupled with the economic situation in destinations such as Greece, have all been deciding factors to remain at home.
“Last-minute on-line enquiries for peak season - compared to the same time last year - are up by 15 per cent, on-line sales have risen by 28 per cent and conversion rates have increased by 11 per cent.”